When requesting a refund for any service or excursion, the amount paid will be refunded in cash or directly to the credit card with which you paid for said service.

How long can I request a refund?

You have a period of 14 working days to request a refund of your previously paid service or excursion. We take about 2 to 3 days to make such refund.

Where will I receive my refund?

A staff from our company will contact you. If you want your refund in cash, you must stop by our offices. If you paid for the transfer or excursion service with a credit card through our website or office, then the amount to be refunded will be deposited to your credit card. The amount may take 24 to 48 hours to reflect.


Customers can request a return by sending an email to support@hordest.com and/or through the digital contact channels on our website.

HORDEST  will send you a digital form called “Return Request” to start your process.


If you wish to cancel an order, you must contact us and send us an email to: support@hordest.com and/or through the digital contact channels on our website.

We will take 1-2 business days to cancel your order.Before canceling an order, please review our returns and refund policies detailed at the top of this page.

Once your cancellation is approved, an email will be sent to you with the confirmation and cancellation number of your order.

To take into account that:

We do not accept cancellations of transfers or excursions 7 days or a week before the start of the activity.